Welcome to SASS Awards.
The idea for the SassAward started to develop in 1997 when Burt Reynolds lost the Oscar to Robin Williams. While the choice seemed correct, I couldn't get over the idea that just because more than one person put out good work in a year only one would be recognized with an award. It took a while, but the SassAward website finally came on line in 2011. Since then this site has been dedicated to people who love movies and actors and think the big award shows get it wrong. Here you can vote for which movie you think was an actor's best all time performance.
The filmography is divided by genre so you can vote separately for a comedy or drama and have some bonus awards to choose from. You can also write your own comments for each movie. Just click on the little cartoon bubble under each film icon and you can charm the rest of us with your wit. Each actor has a discuss option so let the debates begin...You can start by registering, it's free then pick your favorite and see if others agree.
Thanks for visiting the site and don't forget to tell your friends.
Ellen Wilson, Founder/Creator
After many years of searching for a way to make a difference, Ellen decided to go with what she loved doing, watching movies. Instead of reviewing or making award predictions she decided to create a platform for everyone to be acknowledge for their best work. No matter where you are in the "food chain" we each have our personal best and we should each be celebrated for it. She wants people to be nicer to each other and to use our voice to complement each other for doing the best we can do with what we have.